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招聘!华人快递企业招募店长 (NOC 6211)









Rank: 4

发表于 2022-5-19 18:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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地产经纪 Jason Xu

地产经纪 Cathy Su


地产经纪 刘碧兰





. Z8 ~- k2 j& n. p, w9 ^+ eFEI International Express Ltd.  (国际快递)成立于2018年,是顺丰国际在加拿大地区的授权合作伙伴,提供全方位的顺丰速运服务。
. }# C3 W, N, w" k. {3 w! ] 1.png
4 p# o6 S* \5 o9 u1 X( N" N( ]7 d. Z. g& ?" J2 K
/ W5 M+ M- V" s" [  r9 i1. 提供寄送至中国及东南亚地区文件、包裹、回国行李服务;$ ~9 N) f9 X1 e# H* |
2. 覆盖全北美范围的快递服务;& v% W! I4 K5 C& @9 C4 V
3. 同城配送服务;
9 ^0 {$ q- l9 ~8 ^# p: \6 R4. 中国至加拿大的全程顺丰转运服务
& ^* L; i, f3 f2 y" {' \" q                2.png        
1 i+ ~+ ?" a: P1 F. A" o/ u5 n& X$ v) B4 N. @
招聘职位:Courier store supervisor (NOC 6211-B类)
0 x4 N- @7 o! F" l9 A/ F% `
& \' `9 F0 X1 A招聘公司:FEI International Express 顺丰国际授权合作伙伴

: [% |3 l  t' `& _( l7 C: N6 }  O7 @' I6 K' S
工作地点:Hamilton / GTA-North) o  g4 {9 X. i) q4 b, z2 g5 |3 N

! B- l: K" X! u9 j工作内容:
( m  i, J0 o6 T8 Q  N  U• Greet guests and answer questions regarding services solid
3 d' G( H0 f$ T/ ^• Maintain a well-organized and orderly storefront that aligns with the company's image
" ?& y( O3 [/ j0 f# q) D• Introduce customers to current discounts and offers within the store to promote both sales and brand awareness
1 t( S8 L, @% Y/ r• Strive to achieve monthly sales goals and actively seek to upsell when possible
9 ^6 B5 c" X! d& J+ g; L/ \: v: A• Assist customers with purchases by processing their payment at registers+ s0 A  V% L; A! M! r& ]. t
' D  j+ r' x+ B$ q
应征要求:1 G" b1 a5 E1 F- o
• Ability to spend an extended period working in a standing position) P7 u& G/ Q1 u3 M8 m- \, o
• Prior customer service experience preferred• Punctuality and accountability when arriving at work and closing out cash registers nightly
! T) i; @% v9 u/ M• Ability to speak and read in Mandarin (必须流利中文)
8 ^* h. s" H1 V0 @• Ability to work in a group and contribute to a smoothly flowing experience for all customers
$ z$ D8 L+ w5 Q5 _7 p; E; {• A detailed understanding of products or services solid and the ability to correctly answer customer questions as needed% v2 a$ F1 T( j, D3 X
• Ability to multitask and balance the needs of several customers at once is mandatory7 j, x8 a' j! b* `7 m3 U
• Basic math skills are needed to accurately close out transactions and provide change to customers
) l& C1 J- x. ?, c
, Y0 K0 g$ N5 v% \2 c0 G工作类型:Full-time, Permanent
6 c$ k, N7 E; [. {5 `8 B1 Z  T
( a. Q/ `8 r" j7 A/ T& [薪酬待遇:$15.00 per hour + Bonus9 w0 D# M  _9 [' ~( A$ w" f3 A
' e4 w" K* ^: R: W) c/ |6 i4 u
公司配合移民申请,全职工作2年后提供LMIA支持。8 q; X9 g  ~9 x: H1 M3 c: b

+ |% E4 Z1 ?$ I2 a联系人:KAN CHEN
0 e- C( }+ [. j' S, P+ r. V3 u9 O2 d, [% f! U! w: z9 o6 p
) p: `$ Z# N: d5 n& O; W. F* ^7 P2 e3 m3 i' |0 e" W; N
5 _. ?4 G, f' ]6 S: ]2 r4 |, y: f4 \, C+ w8 y; E* f, s. V" O+ g. s& d- C" @
公司网址:www.feiexpress.ca  ( p& Y7 {2 ~& s" W2 T0 |0 L
, j. M* u$ h/ l/ \$ c( e8 I, y
微信:sf-Canada: `! d7 \5 C5 J7 r

4 `) L0 b, f" ^6 B$ ^" }" f1 m5 y' c如果您有意了解更多此次招聘信息,请扫描添加:      ; N* t4 J& C  ^  ]8 e  k2 @$ |' Q/ j
                                                                                                        - A) L) e' x$ p5 a
& D  E% P' K, m3 e, X3 _: x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                % i) p" |, |4 P2 w

# [7 R" C8 _0 e
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