本帖最后由 hijames 于 2015-8-31 21:15 编辑
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. z1 D* ^* q* t% J* aEnglish –Mandarin Bilingual Program in Hamilton 飞利浦王子学校中英文双语项目 您知道吗? 在飞利浦王子公立小学有一个由政府支持的完全免费的中英文双语项目, 这是安大略省唯一的一个中英文双语项目。 双语学习: 各个科目同时用英语和汉语教学,学习安大略省教学大纲。谁能参加: 所有适龄孩子都可以参加, 不受城市和区域限制。 我们的项目的同学来自: 中国移民家庭, 收养中国孩子的本土家庭, 还有加拿大籍的家庭。 只要孩子是幼儿园, 小学一, 二和三年级的年龄都可以参加, 其中二三年级的孩子要具有一定的汉语 基础。 近期活动: 幼儿园绘画比赛: 题目为《我喜欢的一种动物》可以采用油画棒,水彩笔, 蜡笔等形式绘画。小学生写作比赛: 小学一,二以及三年级的同学可以参加故事写作比赛,题目自拟。要求故事生动,结构完整。 比赛评比出各个奖项若干名。获奖者将得到礼品或礼券! 庆祝活动: 我们将于 4月9日上午10:30-12:00 举行项目庆祝活动,欢迎你带孩子来亲临参加我们的活动。活动地点:飞利浦王子学校体育室 活动内容:节目表演,现场 观摩课, 颁奖典礼, 现场抽奖等 请亲临现场多多了解相关信息吧!我们现场接受咨询和报名! 双语项目,绘画比赛及近期活动联系方式: 飞利浦王子学校 Prince Philip (Elementary) 地址:125 Rifle Range Road, Hamilton ON, L8S 3B7 Map.电话: (905)527-6512 http://schools.hwdsb.on.ca/princephilip/联系人 : Teri ( English Teacher) : teri.dawe@hwdsb.on.caNancy (Mandarin Teacher): nancy.zhang@hwdsb.on.caEnglish –Mandarin Bilingual Program in Hamilton Advantages The only one! English –Mandarin Bilingual Program Located atPrince Philip Elementary School in Hamilton! http://schools.hwdsb.on.ca/princephilip/ Offers all the same learning opportunities as any other publicschool classroom but with the bonus of learning in two languages! Free! This as a publicly funded program. Open to ALL children (regardless of language background) fromJK, SK, Grade one! Grade two and grade three (intermediate level of Mandarinrequired). Celebration Event – Saturday, April 9, 2011 10:30am-12pm This is your chance to spend time with us to learn more about this unique, one-ofa- kind program! Meet the students that are currently enrolled and speak to their families about the successes they’ve had. Enjoy Chinese cultural performances, student performances, demonstration classes and a chance to win some great prizes. Everyone is welcome to attend. Where? Whom to contact? Prince Philip (Elementary)Address: 125 Rifle Range Road, Hamilton ON, L8S 3B7Phone: (905)527-6512 http://schools.hwdsb.on.ca/princephilip/Teri (English Teacher): teri.dawe@hwdsb.on.ca; p% V( A- B! P$ Y' q7 S0 N" e
Nancy (Mandarin Teacher): nancy.zhang@hwdsb.on
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