本帖最后由 jobsctalab 于 2021-5-6 13:22 编辑 ) Z4 l! C& i+ t
$ h) t2 a6 n4 z' IJob #3346772
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Material Testing Technician
2 |7 }7 ]' z0 y) u, W. X
位于 Cambridge 的 CTA Lab 现正招募物料测试人员。需要外出工作。持有G-Class 驾驶执照及良好驾驶纪录。需要有八个月或以上物料测试经验。季节性全职到十二月,完成培训者可能获延长聘用。我们会多国语言,包括中文。基本英语能力便可。我们提供医疗保险。我们按政府要求制定相关程序和政策,预防COVID-19传播 职位简介: 1: 需要有八个月或以上物料测试经验, 包括处理加热, 识别, 及贮存沥青样本。 2: 协助其他员工处理沥青测试事宜,以及搬运物品。 3: 需要搬运重物(25公斤)。 4: 需要驾驶外出工作 5. 参与培训及获取专业资格 * _- F! T B# U8 m( B; `" }
" {9 |& [/ S! @' bMaterial Testing Technician CTA Lab is recruiting for material testing technician forasphalt, for laboratory and field testing. Must have G-class license and clean driving record. Must have minimum 8 months experience inasphalt testing. Seasonal Full-Time up to December, employment can be extendedwith completed training. We are a gender-equal and multi-cultural operation. We have COVID-19 policies and dailyscreening. Extended Health and Dentalbenefits are available. Please contactdirect if you have questions.
. @8 s/ \' z' i) j7 P' u8 QJob role: 1. Demonstrated experience in asphalt testing: includingheating asphalt in oven, identifying asphalt sample, preparing asphaltspecimens and storing unused asphalt materials; 2. Working with and providing support to other members withlaboratory test, as required (organizing incoming sample deliveries, organizingincoming sample documentation, testing); 3. On-call field testing with valid G-class license; 4. Performing other related duties as assigned; and 5. Participate in annual training and qualificationupgrades. (Applicant should be able to handle 25kg weight load, with minimum 8month experience in asphalt testing)
$ ~8 B! f+ Q4 G0 N8 }https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch/jobpostingcsj/34285794?source=searchresults
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