【168Consulting留学生移民工作推荐】 【最新/急招】万锦市场策划公司请Front Developer(薪资待遇好) (欢迎毕业生投简历,雇主愿意配合移民) 【岗位职责】 1. Responsible for the development of web apps with Vue. js 2. Work closely with our team members to create high quality products 3. Work closely with our design team to ensure a consistent look and great user experience 4. Maintain high quality code and ensure best practices for mobile development 【岗位要求】 1. 2+ years experience with Vue. js, Vue-Cli, HTML. CSS, Javascript 2. Strong experience working with REST APIs to connect to backend services 3. Strong understanding of responsive web design. 4. Extensive experience on backend technologies, such as NodeJS, PHP is a plus. 5.Experience using Git, Github 6. Bachelor' s degree in Computer Science or a related field 3 Y& w! O5 A8 I) c! @6 i
工作地点:Markham 0 X2 z- J% O' U/ \% l/ p, u4 k
薪资范围:CAD 3300 (工资会根据能力和经验有所调整) $ r* _$ O* |* K! e( N8 U
上班时间:9.00 am -6.00 pm ( Monday - Friday ) 6 u6 _) f* ?9 v) D/ j! Z
& q% T d; C3 m& Q有意向申请职位请把简历发到: info@168consulting.com
" ?, Y. T6 q3 STel: 647-349-8803
* U) `" U H; L3 f/ G6 |4 E- nWeChat: Consulting168 + u2 O( G& S/ f& b$ |; C, v
168 Consulting 为您提供留学生工作、移民一站式服务!自公司成立以来我们与超过上千家招聘企业合作,简历直达雇主手中,承诺在最短时间内帮助有CEC移民需求的求职者寻找到一份适合的工作,并确保该工作符合CEC移民标准。
+ P# f# i9 }. i2 w- O: f5 x- {地址:250 Consumers Road, Suite 410, Toronto M2J 4V6
- M: `8 h+ ?, X$ l; {7 U
' y# V+ P& T0 j% F; S+ |7 Z |