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本帖最后由 hijames 于 2015-8-31 20:20 编辑
$400, $430, $480
Location of house is extremely convenient. Situated between King St. and Main St. at 75 Dundurn st. South.
Directly across Fortino's, MacDonalds, Tim Hortons, CanadaComputers and Medical Walk-in Clinic just to name few.
The hamilton HSR bus is also within 1 minute walk away, including GO bus for Toronto and back.
Back yard has space for 6 car parking.
Every room is currently furnished with beds, tables and chairs. Living room / dining room has sofa, dining table and chairs. Kitchen includes your standard stove, fridge and Microwave.
位于75 Dundurn St.S.房子地上一房出租5月可入住。房间內有简单家具(床,电脑桌和椅子,灯,书柜),这里交通及生活都十分便利,步行2分钟就是公交站,一趟车到麦大。附近Fortino's,MacDonald's,KFC,Pizza pizza等。房子结构为主楼层四间房(分別出租给麦大学生)及地下室,须共用一个饭厅、厨房及洗衣房。房子租金是430/每月(限一个),租金包括所有费用(水,电,宽带,空调,暖气,洗衣房,停车场),星期二及六可预约看房,有意者请于前一天联系.
Room Available for Rent.Rent.
House is located at 75 Dundurn st. South. On the Corner of Main St. And Dundurn st. Very convenient, across MacDonalds Restaurant and Tim Hortons. Across the Street are Also Fortino's, Dollar Store, CanadaComputers, PetStore, Walkin clinic, Chinese Restaurant, and KFC Around the corner. Included in the Rent are Electricity. Water, Unlimited Internet, Laundry, Heat, Air conditioning. All rooms are Furnished with beds, Desk, Chairs and Desk lamp or Floor Lamps. House Once a week is usually cleaned and all Tenants Share Cleaning Duties that are DONE every Weekend. Please Feel Free in Contacting me with any Questions. Rentals is for students students only. Thanks!
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