• Excellent location:
East mountain prime location. Handy to all amenities at Upper Gage and FennellAve. Freshco, Metro, Shoppers Drug Mart, Dollar store, LCBO, restaurants etc. Stepsto bus stations, schools, church and parks.
• Beautiful home:
Main floor, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, huge familyroom(20’10”*13’9”).
Basement will be rented separately. Minimum one year leased agreement. CreditCheck, Employment Letter, Reference, First and last payments are required.Available from Jan 15th 2017.
Main floor tenant shares the hydro/water/natural gas bill with basement tenantat the ratio of 60%: 40%.
If interested, please email, call or text owner at 905-966-5676, 905-389-0645.
山上大房子Basement 出租 地址 512 Upper Gage Ave Hamilton ON 新装修BASEMENt,2017九月1日开租。完全与楼上独立,3大卧室, 厕所, 厨房,洗衣房。近商业中心,汽车站。非常便利 月租1200加元,电水煤气费与楼上分享, 占40%。若有兴趣电联905-966-5676, 905-389-0645