劳里埃大学创立于1911年,是一所百年名校,以加拿大第七任总理沃尔夫劳里埃公爵(SirWilfred Laurier) 的名字命名。自2014年10月12日起,正式更名为劳瑞尔大学。主校区位于加拿大科技三角区滑铁卢市——2007年公认的世界上最具智慧的城市。 劳里埃大学是加拿大最好并且发展最快的中型大学之一,在安大略省的滑铁卢校区及班福校区共有全日制学生15,000多人,提供着高质量的本科和研究生专业。其商学院在加拿大极负盛名,也是最大的带薪实习商学院。在1976年,劳里埃大学是第一个在加拿大开设商科带薪实习的大学,也是第一批AACSB认证的加拿大商学院之一。2 @* |! Y, a/ q8 J+ _$ _6 y% P
9 i/ H' x; Q' I5 W, _" F6 p3 s h劳里埃大学金融会计专业排名前十
- X& ~& K% C* e* Q. B9 t% ]" M劳里埃大学的商学和经济学院在加拿大一直保持良好的声誉,其金融和会计专业的排名在加拿大一直保持前十,毕业生深受金融银行业的认可,就业前景十分光明。商学和经济学院的专业设置包括:工商管理(专业方向:会计、品牌沟通、企业家学、金融、人力资源管理、保险与风险管理、国际商务、市场营销和物流管理)、商科与计算机科学(双学位)、计算机科学双学位,商科与金融数学(双学位),工商管理与数学(双学位)、经济学、经济与会计、经济与金融管理、应用经济学等。 劳里埃大学录取要求 # ~! m5 P3 y) M3 ^2 a
高中毕业,平均分75%以上,商科和经济学80%以上 提供会考成绩 如参加过高考,提供高考成绩 雅思6.5;托福83(单科不低于20分) ! e3 W4 O) S2 A3 j# x. w$ S* V t
对于那些没有托福或雅思成绩,或有成绩但分数不高,没有达到入学要求的国际学生,劳里埃大学为其提供专门的LEAP 语言课程。语言课程在劳里埃大学班福校区学习,顺利完成语言课程后,学生将直接进入大学一年级攻读专业课。 # E- e: ~1 _% G" o
据悉,劳瑞尔大学双录取无需语言成绩和高考成绩,高中GPA76%-91%即可。商学院带薪实习课程平均薪资达到2800加币/月,赶超加拿大本科毕业生平均薪资。 官网专业介绍 . O2 G) z) s; O' i* M
Economics and Accounting (BA)Our Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Accounting program is CPA-accredited and gives a career advantage to students looking to become an accountant. Unlike most programs in accounting, this one prepares you to understand business and government issues in a data-driven economy at the macro level. Economics courses will provide you with the technical background you’ll need to succeed in today’s marketplace, along with a high-level understanding of how businesses work. Your accounting courses will ensure you are ready to become an accountant, with courses that hone your practical skills.: t, G) Y6 |7 ?) B2 k
( k Y: p E0 Z$ N% C, r" OOur Department of Economics, uniquely positioned alongside the Department of Business in the Lazaridis School and Business and Economics, allows you to combine your Economics degree with our CPA-accredited Accounting program. This is a direct-entry degree program that consists of 20 credits. Eight credits are economics courses and a minimum of 7.0 credits are business courses. & r: R f8 n% x k; n
Program HighlightsStudents in this program are eligible to apply to Canada’s largest business degree co-op program. All of the major accounting firms hire our co-op students and graduates. Lazaridis School is first in Canada for the total number of accounting gold medals. Employment rate after graduation: 96.6%.
, c: Y" x0 U2 Q2 w& d7 |* q Sample CoursesRequirementsAdmission range of mid 80s. English at 60%. Advanced Functions at 70%. Either: Calculus and Vectors or Data Management at 60%.
2 }, v8 m' Y6 {& I International Baccalaureate RequirementsCareersStudents who complete this program are typically recruited into positions in Canada’s major accounting firms.
; s( m7 ]0 w$ U/ [+ v' p( iEnglish Proficiency[size=1em]Students attending Laurier must have excellent proficiency in the English language to benefit from university instruction presented in English. [size=1em]If your first language is not English, you’ll be required to submit acceptable evidence of your English proficiency to our Recruitment and Admissions office. Normally, evidence of English proficiency may be an official transcript satisfactorily demonstrating a minimum of three years in an institution that teaches in the English language, or an acceptable score on one of the following tests (see exemptions below). You must make your own arrangements to write the test and have the results forwarded directly to our office. Please mail your proof of English proficiency to the address at the bottom of the page. LEARN ENGLISH AT LAURIER[size=1em]Students who do not meet our English language requirements can choose to pursue an intensive English as a Second Language (ESL) program offered by one of our education partners or our [url=]Laurier English and Academic Foundation[/url] (LEAF) program. We’ll provide conditional offers of admission to academically qualified students who are completing an English language certificate program at one of our ESL partners or through LEAF. ACCEPTED TESTING SERVICES[size=1em]Some testing centres may require our institution code. Laurier’s code is 0893. [size=1em][url=]Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)[/url] Internet-based testing: an overall score of 83 or higher with a minimum score of 20 in each component. Paper-based testing: 560 or higher. An overall score of 90 with a minimum of 20 in Reading and Listening, and a minimum of 25 in Speaking and Writing is required for double-degree programs with the University of Waterloo. * g6 V: r4 E1 o7 N: ?7 `* C
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[size=1em][url=]International English Language Testing System (IELTS)[/url] An academic score of 6.5 or higher. An overall score of 6.5, a minimum of 6.5 in Writing and Speaking and 6.0 in Reading and Listening are required for double-degree programs with the University of Waterloo.
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7 h; C% X( o2 s; w& K, p% |申请加拿大留学请加微信canadaliuxuehelp或扫描二维码详聊 更多加拿大院校资讯请关注公众号 0 |* W$ `+ ~& R1 z
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